Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen’s 31st Birth Anniversary

ICT BCAA   June 4, 2021   Comments Off on Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen’s 31st Birth Anniversary

Just as the butter lamps bring serenity and joy to the mind, we celebrate the light among us, Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen.
And just as the light herself glows in silence, while aiding everyone else, Her Majesty is the serene tower watching over us in the face of adversity.
It is an immeasurable task to hold the fort, while standing as the firm pillar of support for His Majesty The King who stays away to safe keep the nation from the pandemic.
And when possible, accompanying His Majesty with two young princes to the eastern part of the country in early April is a reflection of the benevolent Queen who is thinking beyond for her larger family.
For devoting the life to His Majesty The King and the people of Bhutan, for the compassionate embrace of people in adversity, for giving women and those with disabilities hope, among many other noble deeds, Her Majesty’s presence in our lives is a rare blessing.
On the auspicious day of Her Majesty’s birth anniversary, the government and the people of Bhutan come together to celebrate the nobility and grace of our Queen. We offer butter lamps and say prayers of longevity. May Her Majesty continue to illuminate our lives and show us the paths of wisdom for eternity.
Text felicitation courtesy: PMO’s FB page

Photo: PMO FB page
