BCAA Focal Points for Service Delivery

ICT BCAA   August 17, 2020   Comments Off on BCAA Focal Points for Service Delivery

During the 38th HRC virtual meeting held on 17/08/2020, the following officials has been nominated as the Focal Point for Service delivery during lockdown:

Sl. No. Name Designation E-mail ID Fixed Line No./ Mobile No. Responsibility
1 Mr. Kinley Wangchuk Director kinleyw@bcaa.gov.bt 17604067 Overall Focal
2 Mr. Jigme Thinley Flight Safety Officer jthinley@bcaa.gov.bt 17759202 Focal for Flight Operations
3 Mr. Sonam Tshering Sr. Airworthiness officer stshering@bcaa.gov.bt   77396228 Focal for Airworthiness
4 Mr. Sangay Wangdi Offtg. Chief of ANSAD swangdi@bcaa.gov.bt 17119277 Focal for Aerodrome
5 Dr. Karma Wangchuk (Ph.D.) Dy. Exe. Engineer kwangchuk@bcaa.gov.bt 17423747 Focal for ANS
6 Ms. Tshoki Aviation Security officer tshoki@bcaa.gov.bt 77291595 Focal for Aviation Security
7 Mr. Dema Wangdi Personal Licensing Officer dwangdi@bcaa.gov.bt 17600001 Focal for Personal Licensing
8. Mr. Pem Tshering Sr. Aerodrome Officer ptshering@bcaa.gov.bt 17614165 Focal for COVID-19
9 Ms. Dawa Yangchen Legal Officer dyangchen@bcaa.gov.bt 77276521 Focal for Legal matters and Administration


