56th QCM, MoIC

ICT BCAA   May 3, 2019   Comments Off on 56th QCM, MoIC

The 56th Quarterly Coordination Meeting (QCM) was held today in MoIC conference hall from 9.30AM chaired by the Officiating Secretary (Director General of RSTA). Department and Division Heads from the Secretariat, BCAADITTDOATDoIM and RSTA attended the meeting.

Some of the issues discussed were:

  1. Review of the 55th QCM.
  2. Progress reporting for the last three quarters of 2018-19 (July 2018-March 2019).
  3. Budget balance and proposed re-appropriation for 2018-19.
  4. Final draft of budget for the next FY 2019-20.
  5. Discussion on the Terms of Reference of the Finance Committee.
  6. Stock-taking of APA progress 2018-19.
  7. Disaster Management related matters.
  8. Review of government pledges.
  9. Monthly Assessment of Minister’s Activities.

Contact Person : Mrs. Pema Chetsho 
