ICVM Meeting for BCAA 2018

ICT BCAA   August 7, 2018   Comments Off on ICVM Meeting for BCAA 2018

The ICVM (ICAO Coordination Validation Mission) for BCAA (Bhutan Civil Aviation Authority) Commences from today the 7th August 2018 at BCAA Complex which will carry on till the 16th of August 2018.

This ICVM will cover all the pre and post 2000 Audits in the areas of LEG, ORG, AIG and AGA and will also address the current PQs both satisfactory and non satisfactory.

The ICVM delegation team comprises of:

– Mr. Nicolas Rallo (NR)

– Mr. Len Wicks (LW)

– Mr. Angelo’s Beligiannis (AB)

On the whole, the purpose of this ICVM will be to verify the implementation of the State’s Oversight Responsibilities and all other ICAO related Tasks.

