Aeronautical SAR Seminar

A one day Aeronautical Search and Rescue (SAR) Seminar was conducted on 18 June 2019 at BCAA, Paro for the stakeholders. The seminar was attended by 12 Participants from BCAA, DoAT-ANSPD, RBHSL, Bhutan Airlines, RBA, RBP/AVSEC (DoAT) and DoAT AFFRS.
The seminar was delivered by the COSCAP-SA CBM SAR Mission Expert from CAA Bangladesh, Mr. M. Ali Reza Khan.
The seminar was organized by BCAA in preparation for Stakeholder consultation of the draft National Aeronautical SAR Plan and SAR Manual.
Courtesy: ANS, BCAA

Audit Technique Course

A Basic Audit Technique Course is being conducted at BCAA from 3-7 June 2019.

Audit Technique Course is conducted to develop skills of the Auditors, both for BCAA and the Operators. This is a capacity development course organised by COSCAP- SA.

There are total of 21 participants from BCAA, DOAT, DRUK AIR, BHUTAN AIRLINES, NCHM (National Centre for Hydrology & Meteorology)

courtesy: Offtg. Chief, ANSD

56th QCM, MoIC

The 56th Quarterly Coordination Meeting (QCM) was held today in MoIC conference hall from 9.30AM chaired by the Officiating Secretary (Director General of RSTA). Department and Division Heads from the Secretariat, BCAADITTDOATDoIM and RSTA attended the meeting.

Some of the issues discussed were:

  1. Review of the 55th QCM.
  2. Progress reporting for the last three quarters of 2018-19 (July 2018-March 2019).
  3. Budget balance and proposed re-appropriation for 2018-19.
  4. Final draft of budget for the next FY 2019-20.
  5. Discussion on the Terms of Reference of the Finance Committee.
  6. Stock-taking of APA progress 2018-19.
  7. Disaster Management related matters.
  8. Review of government pledges.
  9. Monthly Assessment of Minister’s Activities.

Contact Person : Mrs. Pema Chetsho 

EASA-SARI-M Implementation Workshop

A Mission on the EASA/SARI FCL is being held at BCAA deom 4th to 8th March 2019 for Regulatory Review and Harmonizing on SARI FCL Rules.

During the Workshop, the SARI Experts will be checking BCAA’s BCAR-M in compliance with the SARI Part M by means of reviewing the requirements and procedures.

The Workshop is attended by CTA Captain Marie Zubryckyj, COSCAP SA and Officials from BCAA, delivered by an EASA FCL Expert.

Courtesy: PEL/Airworthiness Section, BCAA

Workshop On CORSIA

A two days Workshop on CORSIA (Carbon Offsetting & Reduction Scheme for International Aviation) is being held at BCAA Conference Hall from 26-27 February 2019.

CORSIA is a new Program initiated by ICAO towards monitoring and reporting of CO2 emissions from International Aviation.

The two days Workshop is conducted by three Japanese Experts in line with collaboration with ICAO, namely:

Mr. Hideyuki YAMAMOTO, Manager, Certification Department, Class NK.

Mr. Kenichiro YAMAMOTO, GHG Group Leader, Class NK

Mr. Yasuhiro HARANO, Technical Expert, Class NK.

Japan Civil Aviation Bureau was designated and offered by the ICAO Secretariat to partner Bhutan for CORSIA. Japan intends to provide its experts, who received training at the ICAO Head Office, to Bhutan and conduct CORSIA training program so that the Aviation Sectors in Bhutan can acquire the necessary knowledge about CORSIA for the development and approval of EMPs(Emission Monitoring Plans); and establishment of a national regulatory framework.

The workshop is being attended by officials from the two Airlines, National Environment Commission (NEC) and BCAA Officials of the Airworthiness and Air Navigation Services Sections.


Courtesy: Sonam Tshering, FSD.

BCAA Orientation Program for Hon’ble Lyonpo

A short orientation and presentation program for the new Hon’ble Minister for MoIC was held today the 23rd November 2018 in the afternoon hours at BCAA Conference Hall.

CASP-AP Quality Control Workshop

A five days CASP-AP Quality Control Workshop was held from 10-14 September 2018 at the BCAA Conference Hall, Paro.

The Objectives of the Workshop was to:

– review QC implementation
– examine QC outputs against  resource and risk
– conduct basic  QC inspection
– review QC cycle
– identify next QC actions vy BCAA
Relevant Officials from BCAA, DoAT  and  the Airlines attended the Workshop.
Courtesy: Pasang, AVSEC Officer

ANS Post ICVM Debriefing

The ANS (Air Navigation Services) Section of the BCAA, conducted a post ICVM debreifing of the Industry today the 20th August 2018 at the BCAA Conference Hall.

Officials from ANSP division of the DoAT and Aviation Meteorology Section of the NCHM attended the meeting. There was also a discussion on a plan to address the dificiencies identified during the ICVM to inprove the effective implementation of ICAO requirements.

Courtesy: ANS Section