Flight Operations Manuals

The following Manuals of Flight Operations has been uploaded for the concerned stakeholders  ready reference.

BCAP 4210 Flight Data Analysis Programme

BCAR OPS 1 Issue 2 Aug 2017

BCAR OPS 3 Issue 2 Aug 2017

BCAR OPS 18 – DGR Issue 01 Dec 2017

Click the following link to access the manuals



BCAP 3100- ATO Manual & Aerodrome Advisory Circular

The Advisory Circular by Aerodrome Section and the BCAP 3100- ATO Manual by the PEL Section has been uploaded on our website. Please follow the following link to access the same.

BCAP 3100:


Aerodrome Advisory Circular:


Requirement of TRE (Type Rating Examiner)

Kindly click the link for the Circular on the TRE Requirement:>>>


AIR Documents And Forms

AIR relevant documents and forms uploaded on our Download tab for kind information to all stakeholders.


Procedure To Obtain Permission For Foreign Aircraft For Non-scheduled Private Flights

Kindly be notified that the Procedure to obtain permission for foreign registered aircraft for non-scheduled or pvt flights to the Kingdom Of Bhutan has been uploaded on our website. Follow the below link for the document for necessary guidance and operation.



Courtesy of: FSO and FSE

UAS Regulations And Forms

The UAS regulations and the relevant Forms on Unmanned Aircrafts and Drones has been uploaded on our website for kind reference to all concerned for necessary guidance and operation.

UAS Regulation

Courtesy: Jigmi Thinley, FSO

BCAP 4100 & BCAP 4500 Manuals

For kind information to the Airlines, concerned stakeholders and for the general public, the Manuals with regard to BCAP 4500 Manual of Procedures for R, A & Approval of OM and Air Operator Certification Manual BCAP 4100 has been uploaded on our website for kind reference.



Courtesy: Dy. Chief of Flight Safety

AML Examination Circular

Please find the Circular on the Aircraft Maintenance License (AML) Examination as below: