Guidance On Resumption Of Schedule Flights (Air Bubble Arrangement)


Bhutan Civil Aviation Authority issues Guidance on Air Bubble Arrangement for the resumption of Schedule Flights. Please click on the documents below .

Letter_Air Bubble_Guidance

Guidance of Resumption of schedule flights_Air Bubble

For further queries, please contact our Flight Operation Section.

Call # 08-271347



Official page for COVID-19 updates

All are requested to refer and visit the official page for all Covid-19 latest updates in the country. Please follow the below link for all the latest updates

The page is maintained by the Ministry of Information and Communications.

BCAA Focal Points for Service Delivery

During the 38th HRC virtual meeting held on 17/08/2020, the following officials has been nominated as the Focal Point for Service delivery during lockdown:

Sl. No. Name Designation E-mail ID Fixed Line No./ Mobile No. Responsibility
1 Mr. Kinley Wangchuk Director 17604067 Overall Focal
2 Mr. Jigme Thinley Flight Safety Officer 17759202 Focal for Flight Operations
3 Mr. Sonam Tshering Sr. Airworthiness officer   77396228 Focal for Airworthiness
4 Mr. Sangay Wangdi Offtg. Chief of ANSAD 17119277 Focal for Aerodrome
5 Dr. Karma Wangchuk (Ph.D.) Dy. Exe. Engineer 17423747 Focal for ANS
6 Ms. Tshoki Aviation Security officer 77291595 Focal for Aviation Security
7 Mr. Dema Wangdi Personal Licensing Officer 17600001 Focal for Personal Licensing
8. Mr. Pem Tshering Sr. Aerodrome Officer 17614165 Focal for COVID-19
9 Ms. Dawa Yangchen Legal Officer 77276521 Focal for Legal matters and Administration



COVID-19 Operational Guidelines

The Flight Operations Division COVID-19 operational guidelines and guidances are uploaded in the following links for all concerned stakeholders implementation.





For further inquiry, please contact the PEL Section, BCAA.

COVID-19 OPs and PEL Alleviations (Amended)

The Global Pandemic situation of COVID-19 and drastic travel restrictions imposed by many countries has led to difficulties in flight operations and personnel licensing to keep track of recurrent training and licenses.

In this regard, Bhutan Civil Aviation Authority would like to issue an Alleviation which aims to reduce the severity of disruption. Below is the Alleviations due to COVID-19.

COVID-19 Ops and PEL Alleviations (Amended)

For further queries, please contact our Flight Operations Section.

Notification (Prohibition of Drone Operation)

The Bhutan Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA) notifies the general public that as per Clause of the UAS Regulation 2017, flying of unauthorized drones within the Bhutanese
Airspace is strictly prohibited.

Import and operation of drones is strictly prohibited without the prior approval of BCAA through proper channel.

Therefore, BCAA hereby would like to urge the general public once again to kindly note and abide by this notification.

Defaulters shall be dealt as per the UAS Regulations 2017.

For the lawful operation of drones in the Bhutanese Airspace, kindly refer the UAS Regulations in this link



BCAA to “Work from Home” and ASCT Info

As per the directives from the RCSC for overll civil service, BCAA will be instituting the “work from home/remote working” strategy w.e.f 1st April 2020 to minimize and prevent the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.

For continuing the service delivery of BCAA, below are the ASCT information.

BCAA Work from home strategy

Bhutan Civil Aviation Authority Agency Service Coordination Team (ASCT) Members:


Sl.No. Name/Designation Contact # & email
1 Mr. Kinley Wangchuk, Director



2 Mr. Sangay Tenzin, Chief FSD



3 Mr. Sangay Wangdi, Offtg. Chief ANSAD



4 Mr. Mindu Wangdi, ADM Officer



Communication and Complaint Management Focals:


Sl.No. Name/Designation Contact #
1 Mr. Jambay Dorji, Sr. ICT Technical Associate

(Agency Communication Focal Person)



2 Mr. Pelden Wangchuk, Flight Safety Officer

(Agency Complaint Management Officer)




Promotion Notification (January 2020)

Promotion Notification from the HRC, MoIC for all employees as mentioned below which is self explanatory.


Click>>> PromotionNotificationFor Jan 2020