Launch of New Licenses

The official launch of new licenses for the Pilots, Engineers and Flight Operations Officers was held today (20-02-2020) at the BCAA Conference hall. A PEL System generated design, the new licenses which is printed on a PVC card will replace the former booklet version and will be convenient for the license holders to carry and produce it at any time in their line of duty.


The event was attended by the Chairman of BCAA Board, the license holders, CEOs of Druk Air, Bhutan Airlines and RBHSL and relevant officials from BCAA.

The event was graced by the Hon’ble Yab Dhondup Gyaltshen, who also launched the inaugural issue of the new licenses.

For any queries, please contact our PEL Officer @271347 extn 214

BCAA Delinked from MoIC

In accordance with the section 14 of the Civil Aviation Act of Bhutan 2016 and letter from Royal Civil Service commission vide no. RCSC/HRMD/7/2019/1171 dated 12th September 2019, the Bhutan Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA) is hereby de-linked from the Ministry of Information and Communications (MoIC) w.e.f 30th October, 2019.

For more details, please click the link below:

Events:De-linking of BCAA from MoIC

Courtesy: MoIC

Zero Waste Hour

The Zero Waste Hour for MoIC fraternity was observed today the 2nd August 2019.

BCAA family joined the hour to observe and mark this very important event by cleaning the office premises and the nearby surroundings.

The Zero Waste Hour is an initiative of Her Majesty, The Gyeltsuen, Jetsun Pema Wangchuck, Royal Patron of the Environment and Ozone Ambassador, which was launched on June 2, 2019.

The Zero Waste Hour will be observed on the 2nd day of every month  for an hour from now on to reduce, reuse and recycle our wastes and to keep our surroundings and environment clean at all times.


The 57th Quarterly Coordination Meeting (QCM) was held today at the MoIC conference hall from 9.30AM chaired by the Officiating Secretary (Director General of RSTA). Agenda for the QCM was as follows:

  1. Opening statement by Offtg. Secretary, MoIC
  2. Adoption of agenda
  3. Review of 56th QCM decision: PPD
  4.  Progress reporting for the financial year 2018-19 (July 2018-June 2019): DCFO.
  5. Approved budget for 2019-2020 including highlight of important guidelines: DCFO
  6.  Stock-taking of APA progress 2018-19: Khandu Dorji, PPD
  7. Review of audit related issues:
    a. Follow-up on the pending audit issues-Head, AFD (Audit Focal Point)
    b. Annual Audit Report 2018-2019: CRTOs (P/ling and G/phu)
  8. Review of government pledges: All
  9. Notification on declaration of “Zero Waste Hour”-Head, AFD

Department and Division Heads from the Secretariat, BCAA, DITT, DOAT, DoIM and RSTA attended the meeting. Regional Heads of RSTA (Phuntsholing & Gelephu) also attended the meeting to present on the audit issues.

Courtesy: PPD, MoIC

Promotion Award Ceremony

The award ceremony for officials promoted in July 2019 was held at DoAT Conference Hall, Paro today the 17th July 2019.

Amongst many others from MoIC, 3 officials from BCAA, 31 from DoAT and 1 from Paro RSTA Base Office were awarded the promotion orders today who were promoted to their next higher level this July 2019.


The Offtg. Secretary, Mr. Pemba Wangchuk, graced the event and awarded the promotion orders along with Tashi Khadars and a portrait each of His Majesty the King to the recipients.

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

The 50th World Telecommunication and Information Society Day was observed today the 17th May 2019 at the Ministry of Information and Communications, Thimphu.

His Excellency, Loknath Sharma,  Minister for Ministry of Economic Affairs graced the event and awarded prizes to the ICT Champions and Winners of the national website competition 2018-19.

BCAA is pleased and honoured to receive the Certificate of Recognition for topping the Departmental website competition amongst the ten Ministerial Departments.

APA Signing Event for BCAA

The 2018-19 APA Signing event between the Director and Division Heads of BCAA was held on 1st March 2019 at the Director’s Mini Conference Hall.



Courtesy: APA Focal, BCAA

MoIC APA 2018-19 Signing Event

The 2018-19 APA (Annual Performance Agreement) Signing Event for MoIC Secretariat was held today at Thimphu between The Minister and The Prime Minister, The Minister and The Offtg Secretary in the morning hours.

Consequently, the signing event between the Department Heads and The Offtg. Secretary was held in the afternoon hours.

Director, BCAA (Right) and Hon’ble Offtg. Secretary, MoIC.


Courtesy: APA Focal, BCAA.